A Fitting Farewell 20 x 16 pastel A New Day 8 x 12 pastel on pumice board A Sure Hope 16 x 24 pastel on board Canyon Cadence 35 x 32 pastel Convergence - Paria Riffle 30 x 20 pastel Edge of Dawn 24 x 30 pastel Enduring Testimony 20.75 x 17.75 pastel on handmade pumice board Fall Color - Llano River 10 x 10 pastel Falling Light 10 x 10 pastel Fellow Workers 15 x 30 pastel Fleeting Moments 10 x 12.25 pastel on paper Fortress 20 x 24 pastel Good Fishin' Weather 17.75 x 11.75 pastel Hidden Gem 35 x 22 pastel High Above 27.25 x 18.5 pastel on board Higher Still 16 x 20 pastel on board In a Moment's Time 8x 10 oil on panel Onward and Upward 32 x 40 charcoal and pastel on board Peaceful Dawn 8 x 8 pastel Prayer at Dawn - Psalm 5:3 24 x 24 pastel River Trolling 16 x 12 pastel on board Sanctuary 36 x 30 pastel on board September Fields 18 x 24 pastel on board Shady Gathering 16 x 20 charcoal On the Wings of the Wind 20 x 36 pastel Winter Tapestry 15 x 17 pastel